Islamic Relief Worldwide is an International humanitarian organization that has been working in Somaliland since 2006. We are committed to achieving our core vision of caring for the people of concern in all countries where we work. Our goal is to provide vulnerable communities in Somaliland with access to basic needs including Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH), Education, Basic Health services and Livelihood Support.
Since late 2014 Islamic Relief has been implementing the IDB funded project of Water Infrastructure Development in Somaliland (WIDS) project in collaboration with the government and line ministries which completed 2018 and drilled 15 Strategic boreholes successfully, additionally Islamic Relief is currently implementing “Institutional Capacity Development for the Water Sector in Somaliland” to enhance the capacity of the ministry to enable the maintenance and sustaining of the boreholes
The major components of the current project are enhancement and capacity building of Ministry of Water specially the mobile technical unit with necessary equipment, capacity building of the borehole operators and water committees of 15 boreholes in Somaliland through operational & maintenance training and training of provision equipment’s.
In order to enhance the capacity of MoWRD technical staff especially mobile unit who carry out the immediate response of breakdown of boreholes, Islamic relief with funds supported by Islamic Development Bank will provide equipment for maintenance of boreholes such as maintenance Rig, Generators, submersible pumps, riser pipes, Geophysical survey equipment and water quality testing tools etc.
Islamic Relief here by inviting bidders as follows:

 SN: Details
1 Procurement of Maintenance Rig with all accessories
2 Provision of Borehole testing and quality checking equipment
3 Provision of borehole operation and maintenance tool kits
4 Provision of Vehicle to facilitate transportation of the Ministry

Please note Tender document with detail specification will be available and collect at logistics unit of Islamic Relief Hargeisa office from Feb 12-22, 2020 (05:00 PM).

Interested eligible drilling contractors with sound capacity, relevant experience in similar work of purchasing and importing Borehole equipment’s (Rigs) and duly registered as drillers are here by invited to collect tender document from Islamic Relief Hargeisa Office.
Requirements for Tender Documents
1. Tender envelop should be sealed with reference number and stamped.
2. Company Profile with detailed physically verifiable contact address
3. Most recent Bank statements (printed in last 3 months). With full details of account movement and enough balance
4. Quotation price.
5. Valid Registration from Water Authority for Drilling of Boreholes
6. Valid Commercial License
7. Evidence of Past Experience in a similar work of E.g. Purchase and importation of Drilling or Maintenance Rig for private business or for contracted partners (LPOs/Contracts, etc.)
All bids should be written in English.
Tender Duration and Deadline
Tender document with detail specification and terms and conditions will be at logistic unit of Islamic Relief Hargeisa office at free of cost from 12th Feb to 22th Feb 2020. The deadline for submitting bids is 22th Feb, 2020 at 05:00PM and any tender or documents received later than this date and time will not be accepted. The sealed envelopes should be dropped at Islamic Relief Hargeisa Office Tender Box at bellow address. Islamic Relief invites all bidders to attend bid opening meeting at Islamic Relief conference hall in Hargeisa office at the bellow address.


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