Tender for Equipment for Maternal and Neonatal Wards of Buroa & Lasanod Hospitals


Name of Procuring Entity: Ministry of Health Development
Address: Next to Hargeisa Group Hospital, Hargeisa,  Somaliland
Telephone and facsimile: 0634786489 and 0634192026/0634446733
(Email address) : bashiiridiris26@gmail.com, saeed.mohamood@gmail.com and osmanhayd@gmail.com
Invites sealed Bids from eligible companies for the following works:
Equipment for Maternal and Neonatal Wards of Buroa & Lasanod Hospitals
for Ministry of Health Development.

Bid Documents are available Head quarter of Ministry of Health Development, Directorate of Health Service Office.
All Bids in one original plus three copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain
envelopes must be delivered to the Head quarter of ministry of Health Development at or before (8:00 am-2:00pm) on (19th October , 2019  26th October , 2019)

Bids will be opened promptly thereafter in public and in the presence of
Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend on 27th October 2019. At 9:00 am
All Bids shall be prepared in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and other
documentation in the said documents.
Interested eligible bidders who require clarifications shall submit their queries in
writing or by email addressed to the ministry Tender Committee’s email address: bashiiridiris26@gmail.com, saeed.mohamood@gmail.com and osmanhayd@gmail.com. The Tender Committee will provide a written response and email it to all bidders (who provided valid email addresses when purchasing Bid documents) at the same time by 2pm on the same day after the date of invitation to bid.
Late or incomplete Tenders shall not be accepted.



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