Request for Expression of Interest (REOI)


COUNTRY: Republic of Somaliland

NAME OF PROJECT: Somaliland Electricity Access Project (SEAP)




PROJECT TITTLE: Somaliland Off-Grid Solar Grant Facility


Somaliland Electricity Access Project (SEAP)

the Government of Somaliland (GoSL), with support from the World Bank, is setting up a Somaliland Off-Grid Solar Grant Facility to provide grant capital to Somaliland distributors of IEC certified products. The project, SEAP, has three components:

  • Electrification of households and small businesses through standalone solar home systems,
  • Analytic work for enabling electrification through Solar Powered / Hybrid Mini-grids and
  • Technical Assistance, Capacity Building and Project Management.

The Somaliland Off-Grid Solar Grant Facility (Component 1)

 This grant facility fund is part of component 1 of the SEAP project.

The main objectives of the facility include supporting households and SMEs get affordable energy by getting access to Lighting Global quality verified Off-Grid Solar (OGS) systems across Somaliland, supporting early stage local solar service providers(SSPs), enabling SSPs sell through Pay as you go (PAYG) thus increasing affordability, promoting energy access in remote and rural areas and setting a foundation for SSPs for future funding to further scale operations in Somaliland. These activities are aimed at increasing access to affordable electricity in Somaliland. Based on the Facility objectives and ongoing guidance from GoSL, Dahabshil Bank International Prepared Facility Implementation Guidelines

Grants are intended to provide companies with flexible capital to invest into business growth. Eligible uses will include, among others, training of staff, marketing expenses, distribution infrastructure, development of PAYG consumer finance models, development of processes and equipment for after-sales maintenance, and importation of inventories.

Dahabshil Bank International (DBI) has been contracted by Somaliland Ministry of Energy and Minerals to manage this grant facility. On behalf of MoEM, DBI is inviting small and medium Off grid solar equipment distributers to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) for the Grant Facility.

  1. Expression of interest:

DBI now invites Interested companies illegible for the above mentioned support to apply for   grant, by providing information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.

The applicants are required to be guided by the   criteria mentioned below in their EoI application:

  • Company profile – include mission, vision, organizational structure, staff, and core business, etc.
  • Established Local Operations – Local Companies at least one-year track record of providing solar Off-Grid products and services.
  • Financial statements: Provide financial statements (audited statements where available.)
  • Compliance with relevant national regulations pertaining to licensing, tax, legal, and accounting.
  • Company’s Experience and Referees: Describe and list your experience in the industry and provide at least one reference letters.
  • OGS companies who have the ability to distribute products and services in rural areas including farmers and nomads, who have integrated Environmental and Social (E&S) protocols in their operations or have a solid strategy to integrated E&S safeguards in their process will be considered exceptional and will be given the priority.
  • OGS companies who provide solutions that has strong gender inclusivity will be considered exceptional and will be given the priority.

Shortlisted companies will be invited to submit technical and financial proposals at a later date.

Project related documents such as Facility Implementation Guidelines (FIG) and other related project documentations will be available in the link (content will be updated accordingly)

Interested companies may obtain further information at Dahabshil Bank International (DBI) offices all over Somaliland during office hours from 8:30 to 15:30 hours Somaliland time (Excluding public holidays). All other enquiries must be submitted in writing via email  Please quote (REOI -Somaliland Off-Grid Solar Grant Facility) in the subject line when submitting this REOI as well as when making any other enquiry. REOI documents should be delivered by e-mail to  no later than December 19th , 2020  at 17:00 Hours (Somaliland Time).

Dahabshil Bank International (DBI) will hold an information Conference, Pre Bid Conference on Thursday December 24th, 2020 (10:00am to 12:00 pm), where applicants’ questions about information related to the project will be answered. Please send an email to to confirm/book your attendance for the conference no later than 16:00 Pm on Wednesday the 23rd of December.

Contact Person: Abdifatah Adan Ege

Dahabshil Bank International

First Floor, Dahabshil Building,

Road 1, Hargeisa, Somaliland

Telephone: 065- 7602191 (Somtel)

063- 7063748 (Telesom)    (08:30 – 16:00 work-days)
