Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family- Somaliland (MESAF)


Subject: Advertisement of Short Term Technical Consultant


Somaliland Ministry of Employment Social Affairs and Family (MESAF) is looking for qualified and competent consultant to evaluate, review, and develop Women political participation Quota Action plan with the a clear  road map for the implementation of political participation Quota Action Plan (QAP).

The prime objective of hiring short term consultant is to review the existing action plan of Somaliland quota task force in terms of challenges, progress, setbacks and develop a comprehensive quota action plan through consultative process with the engagement of stakeholders including the newly established Gender Equality parliament concuss, Women Network in Politics, and Civil Society Organizations. During this process consultant will provide in-house technical capacity to gender department.

Additionally the consultant will carried out meetings and discussion sessions to all relevant stakeholders to ensure the participation and inputs of women political participation Quota partners.


The consultant is responsible to carry out effectively and efficiently the following task under the guidance of National Gender Coordinator and Director General of Ministry of Employment Social Affairs and Family (MESAF);

  • Evaluate and review women Quota Action Plan to innovate and reform women quota mechanism for increasing women’s political participation in decision making and leadership.
  • Conduct consultative meeting with the relevant stakeholders to contribute the development of women Quota Action plan.
  • Conduct quick desk review regarding strategies, plans and policies addressing women political participation to create integrate and holistic women Quota Action Plan
  • Engage the key stakeholders of Women Quota Action Plan including the Preliminary concuss on Gender Equality, Civil Society Coalition, and UN partners.
  • Ensure meaningful participation of partners during the formulation of Somaliland Women Quota Task force.
  • Formulate clear road map for the implementation of quota action plan
  • Provide in-house Capacity building to Gender department during the process of development for women political participation Quota Task force
  • Carried out any further support designated by the direct general which relevant to your Assignment.

Qualification and Experience

The consultant should have master’s degree of gender development, Social science or equivalent in accordance with designated tasks.

The minimum experience required is five years of gender equality and women political participation field.

Skills Required

Proficiency in English is required

Strong leadership skills; Planning and organization skills, Strategic and analytical thinking


The timeframe of this assignment is 40 consecutive working days

Contact of focal person

If you think you are a great fit, we would love to hear from you. Please submit your application and a detailed resume to  not later than, 25 November 2019 with the subject line indicating the title you are applying for –Consultant Developing Somaliland Quota Action Plan.

Qualified Female Candidates are highly encouraged to apply,



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