Gargaar Multispecaility Hospital (GMH)

rence Project: Raising knowledge and skills of doctors and midwives for reducing maternal and neonatal mortality: Project code: SOM/IMPL/ME0218/2019

Subject: Letter of invitation (LOI) to construct a training hall at Gargaar Hospital premises with 5 small sections. i.e. an office, two toilets, a store to keep training materials and prayer area.( Total area 18 x 9.2 )

The Gargaar Hospital hereby invites you to submit your technical and financial proposal to this invitation for the above-referenced subject


Bidders must meet the following criteria:

  • That the bidder has registration certificate from ministries of commerce
  • That the bidder has tax clearance letter from Somaliland Ministry of Finance
  • Bidder’s confirmation of compliance with the attached Conditions of Tendering, Terms and Conditions of Purchase, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Child Safeguarding Policy.


The following criteria are considered very important in the evaluation of this tender

Quality (20%)

  • Previous experience in Similar works – 10% (10 points for >5 projects, 5 points for 3-5 projects, 1 point for <2 project)
  • Reliability through providing customers references – 10% (10 points for >3 references, 5 points for 1-2 references, 0 points for >1 reference)
  • Capacity (40 %)
  • Financial health (provide Bank statement for last 1 year):
  • Technical Expertise: Lead Engineer – 20% (20 points for >10 years’ experience, 10 points for 5-10 years, 5 points for 2-5 years, 0 points for <2 years)


40 points for the best price and quality of the technical proposal

30 points for the second-best price and quality of the technical proposal

20 points for the third best price and quality of the technical proposal

10 points for the 4th best price and quality of the technical proposal

5 points for the 5th best price and quality of the technical proposal

Tender closing date is 5 th April 2020 at 4:00pm Somalia local timeAll completed tender documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope to be hand carried addressed to The Tender Committee at the below address. The envelope should indicate the Tender Reference number as mentioned above.

The Procurement Committee

Gargaar Multispeciality Hospital

Hargeisa, Somalia

NB: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Late bids shall be rejected and no liability will be accepted for loss, late delivery or non-delivery, whatsoever. Bids shall be opened at a later date to be communicated.

A representative from your company will be invited to witness the opening.

Gargaar Hospital is encouraging companies to use materials coming from sustainable resources or produced using a technology that has lower ecological footprints.



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