Akhriso Ajandaha Shirka Turkiga


turkey-flag_000Istanbul(Geeska)-Halkan ka akhriso ajandaha shirka Turkiga ee Somalida iyo weliba dadka ka khudbadayn doona.

    II. Istanbul Conference on Somalia will be held in Istanbul on 31 May-1 June 2012.


    Conference Venue:Istanbul Congress Center.


    Participating Delegations are expected to cover their international travel expenses and accommodation costs in Istanbul.


    Turkey will cover the accommodation expenses of the Delegations from  LDC/Sub Saharan African countries on the following basis:


If the Head of Delegation is Head of State/Prime Minister/Vice Prime Minister/Minister:


Accomodation: Head of Delegation   + 3 members of the Delegation.


Travel expenses:Business class for the Head of Delegation and economy class for 3 members of the Delegation.


If theHead of Delegation is  under the level of Minister:


Accomodation: Head of Delegation   + 1 member of the Delegation.


Travel expenses: Business class for the Head of Delegation and economy class for 1 member of the Delegation.


    Hotels:Block reservations have been made at the Conrad Hotel andHilton Hotel.


    Transportation: Turkey will provide  transportation for the Delegations from  LDC/Sub-Saharan African countries( 1 car and 1 van) and arrange their airport transfers.


    Delegations Lists: The listsof the Delegations(attached form) should be sent by fax to+90312 292 27 66 and by e-mail to:huseyin.ozbas@mfa.gov.trandenes.arisoy@mfa.gov.trlatestuntil 25 May 2012.


    Contact Point:


-Hüseyin Özba?, Attachéat the Department for East Africa, tel: + 90 312 248 72 30

e-mail:huseyin.ozbas@mfa.gov.trfax:+ 90 312 292 27 66


-Enes Ar?soy, Administrative Attaché in the Department for East Africa, tel : +90 312 248 72 24,e-mail:enes.arisoy@mfa.gov.tr,fax :  +90 312  292 27 66



    Arrivals and Departures: Participating countries should provide the informationconcerning the arrivals and departures of the delegations in due time to the contact point  indicating whether it is a special flight or commercial flight. For the special flights,the necessary flight permissions have to be obtainedfrom the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. Accredited Turkish missions will provide the necessary assistance.


    Interpretation:The languages of the Summit will be English, French, Arabic and Turkish.Simultaneous translation in English, French, Arabic and Turkish will be provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey.


    For the Heads of Delegation a cultural and touristic trip to Izmir-Çesme-Ephesus will beorganized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey on 2-3 June 2012.  The program of the trip is attached. The expenses  will be fully covered by the Ministry.


         Confirmation of the Participation:


    In order to finalize the preparations of the Conference, the official participation responses of the Heads of State or Government/Ministers/Heads of International Organizationsincluding information regarding the composition of their Delegations are requested not later than25 May 2012.


Recommended Hotels in Istanbul:

Block reservations have been made at the hotels mentioned below. Delegations are requested to make their own hotel reservations by contacting the hotels directly mentioning the II. Istanbul Conference on Somalia.

Conrad Otel:

Cihannüma Cad. Saray Mah. No:5 34353 Be?ikta? – ?stanbul / Türkiye

Mrs. Ferah Ya?an

Phone: +90 212 310 25 25

Mobile : +90 533 484 49 29
Fax: +90 212 227 34 06

E-mail: ferah.yagan@conradhotels.com

Hilton Otel:

Cumhuriyet Cad. 34367
Harbiye – ?stanbul / Türkiye

Mr. Serkan Yalç?nkaya

Phone: +90 0212 310 25 25

Mobile : +90 530 403 24 68
Fax: +90 212 227 34 06

E-mail: serkan.yalcinkaya@conradhotels.com








“Preparing Somalia’s Future: Goals for 2015”






30 May 2012



Arrival of Delegations


10.00-19.00                 Registration-Istanbul Congress Center



31 May 2012



09.00-09.30                 Registration-Istanbul Congress Center


09.30-10.15                 Plenary Session of the Partnership Forums


Opening Speeches by

–          H.E. BekirBozda?, Deputy Prime Minister of theRepublic of Turkey

–          H.E. AbdiweliMuhammed Ali, Prime Minister of the Somali Republic

10.30-15.00                 Partnership Forums (parallel sessions)


–          Energy

–          Water

–          Roads

–          Resilience


(Representatives of the TFG, the UN donors, Somali and international private sector, civil society, women’s groups, youth and Diaspora will participate in the Forums.)


(Buffet lunch will be available.)



15.30-16.30                Preparation of the contributions of the Partnership Forums to the Joint Communique( by the Co-Chairs  of the Forums)


16.30-17.30                Plenary Session of the Partnership Forums

–          Presentation of the conclusions of the Forums by the Co-Chairs

–          Closing Remarks by Ambassador BirnurFertekligil, Deputy Undersecretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey