Call for Concept Notes for Infrastructure Projects and Accompanying Measures in Togwajale (Ethiopia) and Togwajale (Somalia)

Selection of NGOs seeking to be Implementing Partners (Sub-delegatees) for the Regional Migration Fund

Reference: RMF 2022 Call 03 – Lot 1 // Call 03 – Lot 2


The Regional Migration Fund (RMF) was established by IGAD with funding from the German Government via its development bank (KfW), in order to address the challenges of and promote the potential opportunities linked to migration. The fund strives to create economic opportunities that would contribute to improving the living conditions for migrants, refugees, and host communities in border areas along migration routes as well as in protracted refugee settlements within the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) region. Through these interventions, it is also expected that the social cohesion between these different communities will be enhanced.

To achieve these goals, the fund is undertaking the implementation of economic and social infrastructure measures as well as other measures that ensure the sustainability of these infrastructures and address other related issues.

More specifically, IGAD-RMF has two investment windows:

Investment Window 1 Investment Window 2
Measures within Investment Window 1 (IW1) enhance the economic potential of border areas along migration routes through increased employment and livelihoods for migrants and the population of host communities, in particular for young people. Measures within Investment Window 2 (IW2) enhance the socio-economic inclusion of refugees and the population of host communities in protracted displacement situations.



Following a participatory approach involving the local communities, the RMF identified a number of thematic areas with high impact potential under Investment Window 1 (IW-1) focused on improving the livelihood and the socio-economic inclusion of migrants and host communities in the border region around Togwajale (Ethiopia) and Togwajale (Somalia).

It is the objective of this Call for Concept Notes to invite eligible and qualified organisations (referred to as “Sub-delegatees”, for contractual reasons), with experience in the geographic area, to submit concept notes on the most promising and high-impact infrastructure measures and connected accompanying measures linked to each of the relevant thematic areas identified for funding.

Within the overall framework of the RMF, all infrastructure measures should be supported and enhanced by “accompanying measures” that contribute to the economic and livelihood situation in the location (job, business, economic activities) and / or enhance social cohesion between migrants, refugees, and host communities. These accompanying measures shall also be oriented towards ensuring the ownership of the community in maintaining the infrastructure and improving long-term sustainability of the RMF interventions.

  1. Thematic Areas and Lots

The core of the RMF methodology is the use of a participatory planning process which involves bringing local authorities, traditional authorities, civil society, the private sector, and individuals from the various intervention areas together and facilitating a dialogue around the community’s needs. This participatory planning process, also called the investment planning process, yields a short list of “thematic areas” which are prioritised for intervention:

Thematic Area
1 Agriculture
2 Livestock
3 Water

The RMF’s interventions are oriented around infrastructure or construction projects which fall within the above thematic areas, with accompanying measures that encourage the long-term sustainability of the infrastructure as well as enhance social cohesion.

For the purpose of this selection process, the RMF is therefore seeking Concept Notes for two Lots:

Lot 1 – Ethiopia Lot 2 – Somalia
Concept Note for infrastructure and accompanying measures which covers all four Thematic Areas in Togwajale – Ethiopia Concept Note for infrastructure and accompanying measures which covers all four Thematic Areas in Togwajale – Somalia

One Implementing Partner will be selected for each Lot. Note that it is possible for one organisation to apply for both Lots if duly registered in each of the countries, however the Concept Notes will be evaluated independently.

IGAD is inviting interested Organisations legally constituted as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) registered under relevant laws in the respective countries and having ongoing permission to operate in these countries, to express interest by email to Mahiri.Ouattara@igad.int copying  Ibrahim.Kasso@igad.int, with the following subject line “Call for Concept Notes for IGAD-RMF_IW1 Togwajale”, to request for Call for Concept Notes documents.

The Concept Notes must be submitted to the above addresses not later than 28 May 2023 at 23:59 EAT (East African Time).