1.0 Background

Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organisation committed to children living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice.  We actively unite children, communities and other people who share our mission to make positive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives. We support children to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to claim their rights to a fulfilling life, today and in the future. We place a specific focus on girls and women, who are most often left behind.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 77 countries.  Plan international has opened an office in Somaliland and started programmes that focuses on child protection, education and youth economic empowerment programming, working with/through partners and providing technical support to INGOs, Somaliland NGOs and the Government of Somaliland in Plan’s areas of expertise.

2.0 Objective

Plan International Somaliland seeks to provide quality life insurance cover to its staff hence it would like to engage a service provider to meet this required need.

3.0 Deliverables

The service provider shall:

  • Administer the outpatient and inpatient medical scheme.
  • Administer the Group Personal Accident (GPA)/GLA insurance scheme.
  • Vehicle insurance scheme.

4.0   Broker’s Qualifications

  • Proof of meeting all legal requirements including company certificate of registration, Tax Compliance Certificate etc.
  • Must be duly registered by the relevant ministry and provide proof.
  • Must be a member of the relevant insurance body and provide proof.
  • Must submit a copy of audited accounts for the last (3) years.
  • Must have members of staff with relevant qualifications and experience in insurance matters and give the CVs of key personnel.
  • Provide proof of having been in the insurance business for the last three years
  • Must submit recommendation letters from major hospitals where you have a working relationship showing the premiums, people and number of staff covered in the current year.
  • Letter(s) from proposed underwriter(s) recognizing the insurance broker, addressed to Plan

5.0 Bid Requirement

The population details to be considered are as follows:

The interested bidder will submit a sealed and separate technical proposal and financial proposal. The following components must be included:

  1. Technical Proposal
  2. a)The bidder’s understanding of the terms of reference and detailed proposal on how the tenderer will provide the services to Plan and the modalities of the insurance schemes in relevant categories including, but not limited to:
  • Full details of what the various categories of cover provide.
  • Full details of what the various categories of cover exclude.
  • All the expenses, limits and/or sublimits included in the various covers.
  • Member eligibility details and procedures.
  • Full details of coverage/ towns where the broker is represented.
  • Provider network of hospitals, clinics, doctors, specialists, pharmacies and laboratories with whom the broker works
  • Details of periodic management reports e.g. on utilization, trends etc.
  • Service performance level guidelines on various items e.g. timeframe for settlement of approved claims to providers, registration of new members, wellness programs etc.


(b) Full names, postal address, telephone number(s), email address(es), physical address and contact person(s) of the bidder

Financial Proposal that shall include all fees chargeable and costs related to the proposed engagement.

6.0 Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy

Plan International is fully committed to the gender responsive safeguarding of all children and young people from all forms of violence. We take very seriously our responsibility and duty to ensure that we, as an organization, and anyone who represents us does not in any way harm, abuse or commit any other act of violence against children and young people or place them at risk of the same.  We promote child and youth safe practices, approaches, interventions and environments which respects, recognizes and responds to the specific safeguarding needs and addresses the protection risks of the differing gender and other identities. We will challenge and do not tolerate inequality, discrimination or exclusion.

Engagement with Plan is therefore contingent on commitment to the Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

7.0 Bid Submission

The proposals must be delivered in sealed envelopes and clearly marked “Brokerage Services for Medical, Life and vehicle insurance Schemes” not later than 12.00 hours of 26th March 2020 and addressed to:


Plan International Somaliland,

Behind Sacadadiin Hypermall


Kindly note that Plan will not reply to unsuccessful submissions.



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