• Country: Somaliland
  • Name of the Project: Water for Agro-pastoral productivity and Resilience
  • Project ID:          P167826
  • Consulting Service: Project Coordinator
  • Individual/Firm: Individual
  • Duty Station: Hargeisa
  • Duration:            12 Months

 Deadline: 27 March2022

  • Ref No.                 SO-MOPND-SL-284941-CS-INDV
  1. Background

Building on the experiences of the Water for Agro-Pastoralist Livelihoods Pilot Project (WALP) implemented by government,the Ministry of Planning and National Development is implementing the Water for Agro Pastoral Productivity and Resilience Project “Biyoole”. The objective of the Biyoole project is to develop water and agricultural services among agro-pastoralist communities in dry-land areas of Somaliland. The project is framed around the following components and sub-components: – Component 1. Support development of multiple-use water sources, 1.1 construction of new thirty (30)community water points (number) and 1.2 rehabilitation of ten(10) community water points; Component 2. Institutional and Capacity development, 2.1 national institutional capacity building and 2.2 community development and demand mobilization; Component 3. Supporting sustainable land management and livelihoods development around water points. 3.1 integrated landscape management and 3.2 Agriculture and livestock support; Component 4. Project management, M&E, knowledge management and learning and contingent emergency response.

Reporting to the Minister of Planning, or a senior official designated on their behalf, the Project Coordinator (PC) shall be responsible for the overall coordination and management of Biyoole activities in Somaliland and management of the Biyoole PIU team. The PC will be the primary interlocutor for the Project for the Ministry of Planning, the technical line ministries and the World Bank. The PC will ensure the Project is implemented in compliance with all fiduciary and safeguards requirements, reviewing and approving all reporting on the project within the Ministry and with the World Bank.

  1. Duties and Responsibilities:The Project Coordinator has the following overall responsibilities: Provide effective leadership to the PIU in Somaliland; Managing PIU personnel in line with the Project Operations Manual policies and guidelines; Lead the timely preparation and approval of project annual work plan and budgets (AWPBs) and associated procurement plans for the project; Ensure effective utilization of the project funds and other resources in accordance to the AWPB and procurement plan through supervision and regular monitoring of project activities; Ensure compliance of the project to all World Bank guidelines including fiduciary (procurement and financial management), environmental and social safeguards policies; Overseeing the PIU procurement processes, including maintaining a manual up-to-date Systematic Tracking of Expenditure in Procurement (STEP) tracker; Ensure that progress, audit and other reports are produced and submitted to the appropriate parties on a timely basis; Maintain excellent communications with the World Bank, this includes timely responses to emails and phone communications; Ensuring that the PIU prepares quarterly progress reports, both narrative and financial for consideration by the World Bank; Ensuring safety and security of PIU resources; Develop a capacity building plan for the PIU; Ensure the timely dissemination of project experience and results to relevant stakeholders within the learning community; Ensure adequate liaison, synergies and networking with other agencies either working in the project area or potentially concerned with project activities; Ensure coordination and synergy with the relevant ministries (Environment, Water, Agriculture and Livestock), NGOs, relevant stakeholders, as well as other World Bank-funded projects. S/he will undertake all other specific tasks detailed in the Terms of Reference (TOR) that can be found at the following https://mopnd.govsomaliland.org/articles/toror can be provided upon submission of application (in person or by e-mail).
  2. Selection Criteria: The selection shall be based on qualifications and experience and skills of the candidate and followed by an interview. The required qualification and experience include:
  • Master’s Degreein public policy,International Relations, agricultural sciences, environmental studies or any other related field;
  • 8 years hands-on experience in managing donor funded, multi-sectorial and community development rural resilience development projects in Somaliland;
  • Demonstrated experience in managing teams;
  • Demonstrated experience in contracting and management of consultants (individuals and firms);
  • Clear understanding of, and experience in, World Bank procurement procedures, activity-based work and budget planning;
  • Knowledge and experience in social accountability;
  • Strong understanding of best-practice approaches to monitoring;
  • A drive for results in a relatively high-volume, quick-paced programme environment, creativity and analytical capability required to respond to evolving programme demands and current events;
  • Strong communication and inter-personal skills and ability to work within and build a team environment, ability to provide both detailed and strategic analysis, ability to work effectively and harmoniously within a multi layered work environment;
  • Ability to adapt and cope with change;
  • Excellent computer skills in full Microsoft office suite (excel, word and powerpoint);
  • Written and spoken fluency in Somali and English;
  • Good understanding of local political economy and proven capacity for relevant intellectual and operational leadership in development work.
  • Experience of dealing with different stakeholders including different levels of governments, national and international research institutions, development partners, civil society and communities.
  • Familiarity with Participatory Integrated Community Development (PICD) process will be an added advantage;
  • Ready for flexible working hours and extensive work load as well as frequent field travel to support project implementation at community level.
  1. Submission requirements

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to section III, para 3.14,3.16 & 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Projects Financing Goods, Works, Non -Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 August 2018 and November 2020(“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

The Project Coordinator will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant method set out in the World Bank Procurement Regulations.

  1. Mode of submission of application and deadline.

Interested applicants may obtain further information including a detailed Terms of Reference from the Ministry in person or by e-mail to the address given below during office hours from 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Saturday to Thursday.

Deadline: Expressions of interest and Curriculum Vitae (CV) must be delivered to the address below by hand, mail, courier or email on or before March 27, 2022, at 23:30 hours.

Email Address:biyoolepiurecruitment@gmail.com

Address of the Ministry: Sha’ab area, Hargeisa, SL