Vacancy Announcement )Fair Fishing Somaliland-Denmark)


dfdfdOrganization Profile: (See:

We are an independent Danish-Somali NGO, building up a local fishing industry in Somaliland in a very hands-on manner.

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Our aim is to contribute to the stabilisation of the country through prevention of piracy and mitigation of unemployment and poverty. In the waters off the Horn of Africa, there are a lot of fish, but very little fishing. A local fishing industry can create new jobs and offer an alternative to piracy, unemployment and poverty. Fair Fishing is fish for peace and prosperity. 

Job Details 


Job Title: Office Manager 

Job Type: Full-Time 

Location: Berbera  

Description:                                          Vacancy Announcement 

About us: We founded Fair Fishing in October 2011, based on an idea by the Danish journalist Jakob Johannsen, who worked on the project from 2008 until he died in May 2012. The group of participants has been gradually extended with needed professional specialists in order to cover a broad range of required competences

In 2013,  we carried out our initial “Proof of Concept Phase”. The goal was as follows:

  • §To establish and secure a stable fishery infrastructure based in Berbera – Somaliland.
  • §To provide a consistent value chain from “sea to table”; catching, landing, handling, treating and offsetting a catch of one ton of fish per day (for a month) in the autumn of 2013.

We have succeeded, and our next step is scaling, consolidation, and training the fishermen in the use of gear. We have a dedicated staff working at the station every day. In order to strengthen both the teams’ output and develop the project, Fair Fishing is now looking for an Office Manager with an excellent profile.  The successful candidate will report to the Fair Fishing Board and be involved in driving the performance (and growth) of the NGO. The candidtate will work closely with the Project Manager.

The Office Manager must

  • Manage and govern FF's office in Berbera being responsible for organization, administration, finance and strategy.
  • Organize the work at the Fishery Station in an efficient, simple and safe way together with the Fishery Station Manager including hire and fire within the given framework of the Board.
  • Report results administratively, financially and strategically to the project manager and FF Denmark in accordance with agreements
  • Keep in touch with, inform and negotiate with relevant authorities locally, regionally and nationally
  • As FF's representative initiate and support the work of FF Advisory Board and the Board of fishermen and fishing companies
  • Be responsible for proactive Press-strategy and contact in Somaliland


The Office Manager has

  • Relevant higher education in management, organization and finance (or equivalent).
  • Relevant managerial and work experience
  • Experience in leading work in the NGO development programs or equivalent
  • An expanded, relevant network both in Somaliland and internationally

The Office Manager is

  • Well informed about Somaliland's development and opportunities
  • Solution-oriented and quick in solving his/her assignments
  • Used to making decisions and is able to assess risks versus opportunities
  • Adept at speaking and writing English and Somali
  • Good at delegating and the follow up of delegated tasks
  • Skilled at collaboration and builds his/her management practice on ‘trust in employees’
  • Present, open, inspiring and able to motivate employees to their utmost
  • Listening and clear in presentation and communication, both internally and externally, and both orally and in writing.


Please send a copy of your application, CV and other relevant documents to"> 

If you have any questions regarding this position, you are very welcome to contact:

          Carl-Jørgen BindslevSecretariat">

          Kurt Bertelsen Christensen, Project Manager Fair Fishing Denmark/Somaliland," target="_blank">

          Mohamed Osman Ahmed, advisor,  

Fair Fishing Board is responsible for the selection and recruitment process that will take place between 29th August and 1st September 2014.

Application closes on 23rdAugust 2014, at 12:00 PM 

Publication date: 9th August 2014. 

Expiry date:                          23rd August 2014.