OWDA is an active organization dedicated to bring sustainable human development in Ethiopia and Somaliland. Through its cooperation with donors and stakeholders, OWDA build the capacity of its target community through financial and technical empowerment to help them lead their livelihoods, OWDA consider them as a key stakeholder. OWDA places special emphasis on investing and building the resilience of vulnerable pastoral and agro pastoral communities mainly children, women, youth, elderly and people with special needs to help them survive with natural and made shocks. The organizational age, geographical reach and the local knowledge made it possible to gain outstanding experience to deliver effective, appropriate and timely responses to target communities. OWDA’s main thematic programing are Health and Nutrition, WASH, Education, Food Security and Livelihood programs mainstreamed with gender and protection. Over its life span, the organization has grown substantially in the number of projects implemented, districts covered, staff numbers and budgets managed. OWDA implements both development and humanitarian programs in partnership with international NGOs, Donors like USAID, DFID, Norway Development Fund, EU, GFFO, GIZ, UN agencies. Since its establishment, the organization through its work in emergency and development interventions supported millions of people, saving lives and providing skills, opportunities, employment for improved livelihoods. Similarly, it has achieved great development in its organizational capacity and management of programs. OWDA has over 400 staffs and manages 8-10 Million USD annually. OWDA has strong health management unit where it manages and implement health care projects. In line with the health projects, OWDA implemented number of reproductive health projects and provided services on female genital mutilation (FGM), Family Planning, ANC, deliveries and PNC, Safe motherhood care, child and mother safeguarding, community awareness on benefits of reproductive health, working and engagement with religious leaders closely, production of FGM IEC material and distributing, capacity building . During the implementation of the projects, OWDA focused on to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality rate related pastoralist community residing hard to reach area by rising access and utilization of RMNH Family Planning, ANC and PNC increased and bringing services closer to the community due to the need of ensuring improved reproductive health for the next generation.has received a project entitled Humanitarian response in WASH and Food Security for people affected by multiple natural hazards and conflicts in Somalia, Ethiopia, Somaliland and Sudan.

This project will focus onBuilding resilience through improved livelihoods and WASH provisioning of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in MaroodiJeex, Somaliland

The main focus areas of the project will be on the following;

  • Apprenticeship training of micro enterprises
  • Non-repayable grants for the equipment of microenterprises
  • Establishment and training of rural savings and credit cooperatives (RuSACCOs)
  • Non-repayable grants l to domestic savings and credit cooperatives
  • Rehabilitation of rainwater storage tanks (Birka)
  • Training on operation and maintenance of the Birka
  • Hygiene and Sanitation Training for Community
  • Mobilizers, Health Officers and Volunteers
  • Conduct WASH community meetings; and
  • Campaigns

This invitation is therefore being to secure competent for the rehabilitation of 2 birkas in two sites for Kabada-gabeed and Kabada-bari of Bali-gubadle District.

Description Country Zone Distric Quantity
Rehabilitation of rainwater storage tanks (Birka Somalialnd Maroodijeex Bali-gubadle 2 birka

1.   Kabda-galbeed

2.   Kabda-bari

Interested suppliers qualified and legally registered in Somaliland for the above mentioned activities of Rehabilitation of rainwater storage tanks (Birka) who has a valid trading licenses, meet their tax obligations may obtain, the complete set of tendering documents at the following OWDA Offices during office hours:

OWDA Hargeisa Office, District Ahmed Dagah, KebeleMasalahaHargeseisaSomaliland, Telephone +252637957966

The tendering is from February 5th, 2023- to February19th, 2023.

The deadline for picking the tender documents is February,19th, 2023. 3:30 pm and submission of tender is February 20th, 2023, 10:00AM.

Bids shall be opened at the OWDA Hargeisa office on February 20th, 2023, 10:30 Am in the presence of tenders who may wish to attend.

The Organization for Welfare and Development in Action reserves the right to reject the whole or part of any or all Tender

NB: Both the receiving of the document and the submission can be obtained from Hargeisa office.

Further instructions are contained in the tender document/RFQ (request for quotation)