PROCUREMENT NOTICE Request for Quotation (RFQ) Ref: 160570 – RFQ


United Nations Development Programme

The United Nations Development Programme in Somalia (UNDP Somalia) invites bids from reputable firms (companies) to participate in the Supply and Delivery of Cleaning Material and Supplies for UNDP Hargeisa Area Office.

The Request for Quotation (RFQ) Documents can be obtained from the following link or from UNDP office in Hargeisa see below address.

Bidders are requested to frequently check the above websites for any addenda that may be posted.

The bid document for the above advertisement must be received in a sealed envelope no later

07th December 2021 at 15:00H East Africa Time (GMT+3) via hand delivery to the address below.

United Nations Common Compound (UNCC) Block B, Alongside Hargeisa road or Pepsi road, Hargeisa, Somaliland.

Tel. +252634802222

Or via email to the following mandatory designated email address: with the subject line: 160570 – RFQ for Supply and Delivery of Cleaning Material and Supplies for UNDP Hargeisa Area Office

Please note that this advertisement is not to be construed in any way as an offer to contract with your firm. Furthermore, UNDP reserves the right to reject part or all of the bids.