

Y-PEER Volunteer Initiative Program,

  1. Introduction,

Somaliland Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER) is youth led network which promotes youth reproductive health and women/girls empowerment, builds youth skills in job readiness skills, entrepreneurship skills, civic engagement, youth participation and the leadership of youth and women. Somaliland Y-PEER works through peer to peer approaches for building a healthier and empowered generation of young people for better future.

Y-PEER believes that volunteerism is a critical youth development mechanism.  We believe that volunteerism is an ideal avenue giving life promising opportunities for young people and promoting youth involvement in the country’s development.

Y-PEER is currently implementing Volunteer Initiative Programin partnership with UNFPA. Somaliland Y-PEER is recruiting 1000 youth and adolescent in the rage of 15-24 years old with at least intermediate school educational level or equivalent profession or skill. The volunteers will come from all regions of Somaliland. The winners will participate a 2 years volunteer initiative program in his or her respective region.

The trained volunteers will conduct outreach activities. He or she will provide vital contributions to the national, regional and district level events in partnership with line ministries, companies, civil society organizations, institutions and organized community groups.

  1. Volunteers benefits
  • The volunteer initiative program will provide a set of trainings that will result in key and diverse job readiness skills for the young people who joins.
  • The volunteerism initiative will result personal benefits such as creating networks, practical work experience, building a resume, learning new skills, getting mentors and exploring career options.
  • Get certificate after serving at least 1 year.
  1. Areas of Volunteerism,

The volunteers will conduct outreach activities with regard to;

  • Reproductive health rights including HIV prevention and AIDS stigma reduction, STIs prevention, ending all forms of gender based Violence including FGM and early marriage,
  • Youth and Women Leadership Development,
  • Promotion of good governance in the community,
  • Youth and Women civic education and citizenship engagement,
  • Youth and Women entrepreneurship skills development,
  • Youth and Women livelihood and employ-ability skills development,
  • Conflict prevention and peace building promotion engagement for youth and women.
  1. Persons Specification
  • Age, between 15 –24years old
  • At least intermediate school educational level or equivalent experience, profession or skill.
  • Good working knowledge of Somali, other language is added value asset
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the values and principles of volunteering.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment for volunteering and respect diversity
  • Willingness to work with people and local organizations to draw upon the synergies between expert solutions and local knowledge.
  • Ability to adjust in challenging work assignments and sometimes remote locations,
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills.
  • Willingness to volunteer free time for the course

Genuine commitment towards the principles of voluntary engagement, which includes solidarity, compassion, reciprocity and self-reliance; and commitment towards Y-PEER values.

  1. How to Apply

If you are interested to join this initiative and match the requirements, please fill out the application form by using this link online

or visit click the form link on the front page.

Submit your application on or before 20th of July 2020.  If you find it difficult, please call 063 343 1199, send WhatsApp message on 063 343 1199 or email us on

NB: This is not paid volunteer opportunity.